
While out on holiday break, we ran a holiday special! You can give it a listen here or in the usual places like our RSS stream, iTunes, Google Podcasts, Spotify etc.

Mistletoe Madness – Starring Eva, Ink, Amr and Matt as GM
Art by Ink (@thesedeadpens)

For the Winter Solstice 2019, Matt the GM ran a homebrew Call of Cthulhu one-shot called Mistletoe Madness. A great time was had by all, as well as our special guest Amr! You can also find them on twitter @ammourazz and on the Voices at Play actual play podcast – a TTRPG podcast by marginalized people focusing on marginalized creators! https://ttrpg-voices.com/

Below are a series of One-Shots where we explore new systems. Mail Misfortune features the Quest game system while Secretions of Solidarity and Smooth Ride to Alfheim are Shadow of the Demon Lord, which we’ve come to adapt.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira Extra Text
Cape Town, South Africa