Coming up!

So we had a little break again, the world got a little (okay, a lot) messed up. As of the time of this post, we are all at least surviving. We hope you’re doing better than that!

New episodes of the mainline story are on their way down the pipeline! You can expect the first episode of the story continuation to come along on the 8th of September! We’re excited to get back into it!

If you haven’t already, check out our one-shots. We went through a bit of an ordeal looking for a new system that would suit us, and we’ve come to adopt Shadow of the Demon Lord by Schwalb Entertainment. You can find information about Schwalb Entertainment and SotDL here.

We’ll be happy to have you along for our adventure once again! Take care and stay safe!

Theme: Overlay by Kaira Extra Text
Cape Town, South Africa